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Dried Angelica Root by weight 

Botanical name: Angelica archangelica



-Warming, Drying, Tonifying



- Alterative, anti-microbial, aromatic, bitter, carminative, circulatory stimulant, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, diffusive, grounding, nervine


Ailments (may help with):



-Chest cold/ bronchitis/pneumonia





-Seasonal Depression

-Varicose veins/hemorrhoids


-Improves sex drive


Intentional Uses:

-Brings courage

-Calms anxiety

-Increase inner strength

-Good luck

-sheild against all evil



-Pregnant women should avoid this herb - May cause contractions

-Stimulates blood flow - may help with sluggish menstration

     - For those with heavy flow - do not use 1 week before menstration

-NOT the same as Chinese angelica A. sinensis


This herb may be:





-Stems may be candied, cooked and eaten


Medicinal parts:

Roots, Stems, and Seeds

Organic Angelica Root


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